
Saturday 5 May 2018

Thanks Guys Finnaly My Channel In 100 Subscriber Complete

DISCOVER STEP-BY-STEP HOW TO MAKE MONEY ON YOUTUBE,Finnaly My You Tube Channel in @100 Subscribe Complete.

In this video blog, I’m going to reveal to you exactly, step-by-step how I make over $1,000 per month on YouTube.
I started my YouTube channel, Project Life Mastery, during January of 2012.
Since then, I’ve published over 350+ videos, have over 61,000+ subscribers and over 3,500,000+ views. My earnings on YouTube range anywhere from $1,100-$1,200 USD per month. My account is Partner Verified and I get my earnings direct deposited into my account every month.
While making $1,000+ per month might seem somewhat impressive, it’s actually peanuts compared to what I’m able to make on the back-end.
You see, the $1,000+ per month on YouTube is what I make from the advertisements that are displayed on my videos. The real power and money made on YouTube is being able to monetize your YouTube channel beyond the ads and to funnel your viewers into products or services that you may be selling.
In this video, I walk you through exactly how to make money on YouTube and what it took to get me to where I’m at today.
Watch the video below:
In order to make money on YouTube, the first thing you’ll need is a YouTube channel. You can set one up 100% free at Once you have your YouTube channel set up, then follow the steps below to make money on YouTube.
1. Consistently publish a lot of videos on YouTube.
The most important thing I’ve learned over the years publishing videos on YouTube is to publish A LOT of videos.
When I first started my YouTube channel, I published a video every week or two. I did what I could at the time and just worked away at it, but today I publish videos almost everyday.
I’ve learned that the more videos that you’re publishing on YouTube, the more views that you’ll get and the more videos you’ll have available on YouTube to reach more viewers.
It’s a lot of work to publish videos everyday. I have a team that helps me to edit videos and publish them. I also work at this full-time and have been doing this for years. However, the most important thing when your first starting is to just GET STARTED. Do what you can and slowly build up to publishing more and more as time goes on.
2. Optimize your videos for specific keywords and rank them on YouTube.
YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine in the world, behind Google.
When people go to YouTube, they’re searching for specific keyword phrases and looking up videos based on those keywords.
If you can optimize your videos for the keywords that people are searching for, it will allow you to have your video show up for people when they search for it. This will increase the views you get on your videos and help you get subscribers.
YouTube ranks videos on their search engine based on several different factors, including keyword optimization of the video (title, description, tags), as well as the number of views, likes, comments, engagement, total watch time, and subscribers your channel has.
3. Be patient and grow your subscribers first and foremost.
When you’re first starting with the intention of making money on YouTube, it’s important not to worry about making money at the beginning. When you’re first starting, don’t worry about advertisements or anything like that. In fact, I recommend to turn the ads off on your videos when first starting.
When you’re first starting, your #1 goal is to gain subscribers and build a following. Ads will turn people off and can have some potential viewers turn away, which will hurt you at the beginning.
Instead, focus on publishing high quality videos and be patient. At the beginning, it’s very slow. Your videos won’t get much views. But over time, once you have subscribers, your videos will start to gain traction and before you know it, EVERY video you publish will have views and people watching it.
To make money on YouTube isn’t easy, it takes time and patience. So hang in there.
4. Once you have subscribers and viewership, monetize your YouTube channel.
You might be wondering, “When can I start to make money on YouTube?”
I only recommend attempting to monetize your YouTube channel once you have a fair amount of subscribers and viewership.
You can start by turning on ads and monetizing your videos that way.
Then you can look into other ways of making money on your YouTube channel, such as surveying your subscribers and finding out what their biggest challenges and goals are. This will help you learn more about them and offer potential products or services that can help them.
When you have subscribers and viewers, it’s fairly easy to make money off your YouTube channel.
In fact, I share some of the best strategies that I make money online in my Life Mastery Toolkit, which you can get for free by clicking here.
With some of my strategies, I’ve been able to make over a million dollars online with what I share in my Life Mastery Toolkit. So make sure to click here to subscribe and get instant access.
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